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Where the Process of GMO Crops Originated


- 1844: By identifing DNA as the carrier of molecular information, Oswald Avery linked DNA and molecular information (1)

- 1859: In the book, The Origin of Species, plubished by Charles Darwin, it explains evolution of species(2)

- 1865: Gregor Mendel crossed bred peas which became the foundation of genetics (1)

- 1868: Nucelin, a part of DNA is discovered by Friedrich Meischer (2)


- 1953: James Watson and Francis Crick descibe the structure of DNA to be a double helix (1)

- 1973: Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer creates a technique to chemically cut and splice DNA (1). This technique results in recombinant DNA (4)

-1976: The National Institutes of Health in the United States creates guidelines for research in genetic modification (2)


-1983: A technique that enables scientists to reproduce parts of DNA quicker called polymerase chain reaction is created by Kary Mullis (2)

-1980: First GMO patent was issued through a supreme court of a 5 to 4 ruling. Allowing a bacterium to consume oil that would help oil spills everywhere (3)

-1982: Insulin, which is produced through genetically engineered E. coli bacteria, is the first genetically modified drug approved by the FDA (3)

- Three groups of scientists create genetically modified crops by inserting bacterial genes into plants and one group of scientists creates G.M. crops by insterting a gene from a bean plant into a sunflower plant (2)


- 1994: The U.S. FDA approves genetically modified tomatoes, the Flavr Savr tomatoes, to be sold at grocery stores, but was later withdrawn from the market as a result of poor shelf life. (5)

-1996: Scientists at the University of Nebraska reach a conclusion that genetically engineering by cross-species increase the risk of allergic reaction (5)

- 1997: All GMO food products and animal feed genetically modified crops must be labled in the European Union (3)

- 1999: Genetically engineered seed are planted in over 100 million acres (3)


- 2003: On GMO Bt cotton crops were Bt-toxin-resistant caterpiller-cum-mouth that were consuming the plant. As a result, over time the bugs became immune to the toxin produced by the plants (3)

- 2008: 80% of fields in the U.S. were planted with GMO Corn (1)

- 2014: Roundup Ready line of genetically engineered seed had a patent from Monstanto which ended (3)

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