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The Myths and Misunderstanding of G.M. Crops

Myth 1: Genetically Modified Crops Can Cause Cancer

Many people fear that genetically modified crops could potentially cause cancer. This myth derived from a French study in 2012 on rats. In the experiment, the scientists fed the rats a lifetime worth of genetically modified corn that was designed to resistant  the herbicide Roundup. As a result of this study most rats suffered tumors and organ damage. But other researchers who had come to different conclusions in their own work started scrutinizing the study. They found a faulty in the design of the study and declared the research was, "of insufficient scientific quality to be considered as valid for risk assessment." Also the rats chosen for the experiment were prone to breast tumors as a result of over eating and consuming corn contaminated by a common fungus that causes a hormone imbalance. (1)

7.3 Monsanto's Roundup Ready Seeds

Myth 2: Monsanto Sues Farmers

It is said that Monsanto has sued an innocent man who's field had contain traces of Monsanto's Round-Up ready seeds. But in reality, the man was not innocent because he had intentionally kept a seed from a neighbor's Roundup ready canola seeds and used it for the next years planting. He had planted these seed throughout his field with out paying royalties which is a technology fee. Therefore he had violated Monsanto's patent making him not innocent. Monsanto has only ever sued farmers who were gulity of using GMO seeds without paying royalties but hasn't sued any farmers for trace amounts of GMOs that were introduced into fields simply through cross-pollination. The company asserts, that they will pay to remove any of its GMOs from fields where they don't belong. (2)

Myth 3: Harmful Due to Toxins

Most people fear that the toxin in genectially modified crops can harm them. Genetically modified crops do have toxins in them but they only harm a specific organism. Such as Bt corn, they contain a toxin that only harms the European corn borer while chemical insecticides and herbicides which are used usally harm almost about everything. The toxin in G.M. crops are monitored very carefully to ensure no other species including humans are harmed. In the Scientific American article it explains, "The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that Bt toxins are some of the safest and most selective insecticides ever used. Claims that Bt crops poison people are simply not true".  With that said, there is no evidence that the toxins have harmful side effects to humans. (3)

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