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Featured Innovators

In 1901, the company Monsanto was founded. The company focuses on agriculture while supporting farmers around the world. The company also focuses on empowering farmers to produce as much as possible on their land while conserving resouces. They produce leading seed brands in crops such as, corn, cotton, oilseeds, and fruits and vegetables. Monsanto also has in-the-seed trait technologies which are designed to protect and support farm efficiency while reducing the cost. (1)

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The company, Syngenta, has a goal to increase the production of crops with less resources. They plan to "bring greater food security in an environmentally sustainable way to an increasingly populous world by creating a worldwide step-change in farm productivity". Syngenta's strategy to overcome their goal is to put the farmers first while also innovating and transforming technologies for the future. They believe they can and "will innovate beyond the single product paradigm of chemical or biological products, and we will innovate by crop and at scale". (2)

The Bayer CropScience's goal is to improve people's lives around the world. "Bayer: Science For A Better Life"  is the base of the Bayer CropScience. At Bayer, they plan to tackle challenges such as helping plants thrive in changing climatic conditions, increase productivity to achieve food security for a growing world population, support farmers in large-scale farming operations, and as well as making sure that only high quality and safe crops reach people. They plan to push through these challenges with their high value seeds, chemical and biological crop protection solutions and services for agriculture. Because they have a mind of a scientist and a heart of a farmer, this allows them to have innovative and inspiring solutions for consumers. (3)

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Arcadia Biosciences was discovered in 2002 to seek agriculture based business to obtain opportunities to help improve the environment and human health. The current focus of Arcadia is nitrogen use efficient crops, salt tolerant plants, GLA safflower oil, and extended shelf-life produce. Arcadia Biosciences' mission is to "develop and commercialize agriculture-based technologies that create value for growers and consumers while benefiting the environment and enhancing human health. (4,5)

The IRRI is a non-profit oganization that aims to reduce provety, hunger, and as well as improve the health of everyone through the sustainable farming of rice. With the challenges of food security, climate change, limited resources, poverty, and malnutrition, the IRRI plan use their new rice varities and crop management to tackle these challenges. Through future research, they will coninure to try to conserve rice genetic diversity, breed and deliver new varieties, and develop crops that will help environmental practices and the nutritional value of rice. (7,8)

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Here are some more innovators. Click on picture to visit company's site

Top ear of corn is Bt trangenic corn and the bottom ear of corn is non-GMO (6)

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